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Cidades Sustentáveis e Inteligentes / Smart Cities


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS - UFRGS Responsável pela submissão
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS - Escola de Administração


In territorial analysis, the search for a sustainable regional development, the leaderships of most of the spheres first create projects of, first, a local and after, global impact. In this sense, innovation environments are instruments of developed and developing countries that confer greater local competitive advantage by transforming content of knowledge into wealth (Steiner; Cassim; Robazzi, 2008; WCDE, 1987).
How is the evolution of research about smart cities on the Management knowledge field? Therefore, this study aims to investigate the evolution of publication about smart cities on the Management knowledge field. To do this: a) to analyze the publications about smart cities on the Management knowledge field and b) to present a characterization of the production, methodological aspects of research and the themes associated with the studies.
Accord to Kitchin (2014), they are cities that are increasingly composed of and monitored by technology and its economy and governance is driven by innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, by smart people. Scholl and Al-Awadhi (2015) complements it brings innovation, attractiveness, competitiveness, sustainability, and livability of an urban space. It could be about smart governance; smart human capital; smart environment; smart living; and smart economy. (Lombardi et al., 2012). By this way, we are introduce the research method to achieve our goals.
Qualitative, Bibliometric Study. The articles were analyzed from these periods, based on the systematic review of the literature. We selected the papers with the expression "smart cit *" in the title or on the set of keywords, with temporal limitation from the first study, in 1999, until 2017; document type “article”, source type “journal”. The search for data to achieve the objectives was carried out from the survey of thematic articles, via Scopus databases. After this selection, 162 articles were identified that were read integrally for the analysis categories.
As the main results identified in the majority of the articles: the top publisher was University of Leeds (UK); Methodologic Approach was Quantitative; Research Type was Case Study; Research Nature was Descriptive; Data Collect Instrument was Questionnaire; Object of Analysis was Organizations, Politics or Systems Conte and Subjects was Innovation and Information Technology.
From the articles analyzed, it is possible to note that emerging countries as a whole still remain far from policies and practices for the development of smarter cities, with the protagonism of public and private entities and universities. Factors such as large income and gentrification, resulting in significant social inequality; lack of basic infrastructure in many regions and the lack of a culture of belonging to the public seem to fortify walls to the best practices of governance and quality of life.
Albahari, A; Pérez-Canto; S.; Barge-Gil, A.; Modrego, A., 2013. Technology Parks Versus Science Parks: Does The University Make The Difference? Munich Personal Repec Archive, N. 49227, Aug., 2013. Source: . Accessed In : 6 Jul. 2018. Amaral Filho, J., 1996. Desenvolvimento Regional Endógeno Em Um Ambiente Federalista. Planejamento E Políticas Públicas, N.14. Brasília: Ipea. Barbieri, J. C, 2000. Desenvolvimento Sustentável Regional E Municipal: Conceitos, Problemas E Pontos De Partida. Administração Online, V. 1, N. 4, 2000. Source: