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Oil and gas industry analysis with multicriteria decision making: the last eighteen years
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Governança e Sustentabilidade em Organizações


1 - Carlos Eduardo Durange de Carvalho Infante
COPPEAD - UFRJ - Universidade Federal de São João del Rei Responsável pela submissão
2 - Fabricio Molica de Mendonça
- Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei
3 - Elizete Antunes Teixeira Nogueira
Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei - Universidade Federal de São João del Rei


Across the globe, companies are faced with the responsibility not to cause damage to the environment, or at least minimize it. In industrialized nations, more companies are including sustainability in their business; they believe being capable of reducing pollution and increasing profits simultaneously (Hart, 1996). In third world countries, the demands for effective implementation of sustainability have also experienced considerable increase in face of the global view of economic development (Kumah, 2006).
It focuses on the important case of the oil and gas industry worldwide, comparing the five largest companies in the period 2005 until 2022. It also analyzes the year-by-year evolution for each company.
In third world countries, the demands for effective implementation of sustainability have also experienced considerable increase in face of the global view of economic development (Kumah, 2006). In this context, the number of reports on sustainability performance of companies presented to stakeholders and shareholders has increased in the recent years. One of the key purposes of this report, according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), is to allow a comparison among companies and a performance evaluation for every year (GRI, 2012). This article aims at checking for this possibility.
The multicriteria approaches propose ways to model the decision-making processes, including items such as type of decision to be made, unknown events that may affect the results, possible courses of action and the results themselves. The multicriteria are also used to measuring the sustainability (Tosicey al., 2015; Castellini et al., 2012) and others scientific areas. Among the most robust multicriteria methods, the specific methodology of ELECTRE Family stands out (Roy, 1985).
The company E1 got the worse evolution according to the criteria analyzed. This got the last position every year, being indifferent to companies E2 (E1 I E2) and E5 (E5 I E1) in 2007,E3 (E1 I E3) and E5 (E5 I E1) in 2008, only the company E5 (E1 I E5) in 2009, and in 2010 to 2013 this companywas the worst. In 2014 until 2022, the company E2 and E4 were the better, therefore the companies E1 and E3 were the worst. In order to analyze the robustness of results, the sensitivity analysis was performed, whose weighted values, thresholds and criteria arrangements were varied.
The system application provided the ranking of companies, which proved to be little susceptible to the variation of criteria weights, as well as in changing the arrangement of some other criteria. The application of the method ELECTRE III promoted working on the objective (criteria values) and subjective (weights and criteria thresholds) variables in combination, characteristic that directs a hierarchy process understood as more sensitive to the complexity of decisions.
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