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Cidades Sustentáveis e Inteligentes


1 - Carla Winter Afonso
Universidade Católica de Petrópolis - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas Responsável pela submissão
2 - Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
3 - Ueliton da Costa Leonídio
4 - José Cristiano Pereira


The increasing number of disasters due to climate change and especially after the pandemic of COVID19 uncovers a series of vulnerabilities in the humanitarian supply chain responses, for instance in the attendance of victims in difficult geographic areas such as the one studied in our paper. Risk Management in the supply chain can identify and manage risks externally and in the supply network.. Risk management can be described as risk identification and mitigation. Meanwhile, the differences between commercial supply chain management (SCM) and humanitarian SCM in terms of objectives.
Our paper focuses on the analysis of the disaster by understanding the relation among the various actors involved, such as volunteers, NGOs and government, assuming that coordinated and joint actions are necessary and vital, either to trans pond the immediate needs of the affected population, but also to recover and create prevention against future disaster. Learning from past experience in this case is essential to understand what should or should not be done in a coordinated fashion to restore balance, recover and prevent future issues.
When analyzing Humanitarian Logistics, Jilani et al. (2018) mention that conventional responses to natural disasters disturb the environment and all beings that surround it. When examining humanitarian operations in critical areas, it can be said that the environment is further damaged as the carbon emissions linked to logistical activities add to the already fragile environmental health of the place. This happens while abrupt responses to natural disasters are never simple, involving several variables to be considered, such as the emissions of pollutants from transport inputs.
The paper had a qualitative approach using an interview protocol with 20 subjects, responding to an in depth interview, regarding their participation in aiding victims of the Petrópolis Tragedy. The interviews were analysed using MaxQda software by categorizing the answers based on the literature on humanitarian logistics, disaster risk management and reduction of vulnerabilities. The focus were to understand how can colaborative actions can help prevent and reduce victims.
In the literature presented (Tomasini & Van Wassenhove, 2009; Adiguzel, 2019), there are different moments when dealing with a tragedy like the one that happened in February in Petrópolis. We can talk about actions that were taken during the event, actions to relieve and prevent disaster, and actions regarding the recuperation of the city. Based on these categories, the interviews were analyzed. The software identified the categories and indicated their relation. A strong relationship was built between Recuperating and Relieving/Prevention
The Petrópolis municipality is marked by disasters that happen by environmental causes, especially intensive rain, floods, landslides, and landslides have strong connections with the inequalities in Brazilian society and the way that poor people find to build residences, work and survive in the city. These structural elements make the tragedies from disasters stronger, resulting in many losses and killing many people. The data we collected shows us that the Cross-Sector Interactions in the Petrópolis case is not a political, social, and management reality.
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