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Are visitors willing to pay for a green park? A study in a Brazilian ecological park
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Sustentabilidade na Economia e na Contabilidade


Clayton Robson Moreira da Silva
Diego Sampaio Vasconcelos Ramalho Lima
Ivaneide Ferreira Farias
Raimundo Eduardo Silveira Fontenele


This study aims to verify the willingness of visitors in contributing towards the preservation and conservation of Rio Cocó Ecological Park. The Contingent Valuation Method [CVM] was used with estimation of the values of the Willingness to Pay [WTP]. This is a descriptive and quantitative study conducted through a survey in which 159 questionnaires were applied with park visitors. The techniques of descriptive analysis, logistic regression and calculation of total WTP were used. The results indicated that 58% of respondents are willing to pay to visit the park. As for the sample, it was evidenced that: 64% were female; 25% had dependents; the average number of visits to the park was 2.09 visits per year; the mean age was 29.69 years; and the average salary of the respondents was R$ 3,669.00. Logistic regression reveals that family income, gender and number of dependents have positive influence on WTP while schooling and conservation influence negatively. There was also an average WTP of R$ 11.53 to visit the park and a total WTP of R$ 44,194.49 per month. It is concluded that most visitors are willing to pay to enjoy the ecological park in exchange for improvements in its preservation and conservation.