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Small-scale fishing as a common good: What is the contribution of the solidarity economy to achieving the objectives of SDG14 in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean?
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Políticas Públicas para a Sustentabilidade


1 - Raimundo Eduardo Silveira Fontenele
- Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Atuária e Contabilidade Responsável pela submissão
2 - Maria Regiane Araújo Cavalcante
Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC - UFC
3 - Dimitri Alexander Lenine Bivar Ribeiro
Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC - Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Atuária e Contabilidade
4 - Raissa Almeida Sousa
Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC - FEAAC
5 - Gustavo Diorlando Moreira de Almeida
Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC - FEAAC (Ciências Econômicas)


The United Nations 2030 Agenda (UN, 2015) brings in its Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 14 the conservation and sustainable use of marine ecosystems, including the human activities involved, such as small-scale fishing, which demonstrates the social, economic, and environmental importance of the oceans. To strengthen the use of common good, and to achieve the goals of SDG 14, authors show that the solidarity economy between small-scale fishermen has the potential to function as an essential tool for social and economic inclusion of the fishermen and their families.
The problem that guides this research is described in the following questions: what is the importance of the solidarity economy for small-scale fishing? And how can SDG 14 of the 2030 Agenda guide the common good actions of small-scale fisheries in Latin American and Caribbean countries?To answer the research problems, this study aims to verify the importance of the solidarity economy for small-scale fishing and analyze how SDG 14 of the 2030 Agenda can guide the actions of the common good of this activity.
This study investigated the relations between the following themes: artisanal fishing, the common good, solidarity economy, and 2030 Agenda. First, it was found in the literature review that the production processes of the solidarity economy contribute positively to the achievement of the SDGs goals in the countries, corroborating the results of several authors and organizations carried out for other countries. Given the characteristics experienced by artisanal fishermen, the research findings point to the importance of strengthening economic, social, and political processes.
This theoretical-empirical study can characterize the method, objectives, and procedures. The method consists of quantitative research for employing statistical data analysis. As for the objectives, descriptive research describes the relationship between common sound principles, artisanal fishing, and a solidarity economy. And as the procedure is documentary research using the Index and SDG Panels databases. To understand the importance of artisanal fishing in achieving the objectives of SDG 14, the SDG Panels were used.
From the point of view of connection with SDG 14, artisanal fishing activities have similarities with the mode of production of the social and solidarity economy in terms of connection with financial promotion (income and work), social (emancipation of vulnerable, participatory democratic governance) and environmental (the balanced use of terrestrial ecosystems and oceans, as well as the defense of biodiversity). Artisanal fishing is the central theme in this study due to its importance for sustainable development, food, and nutrition security, poverty eradication, and equitable development.
This study used the four goals of SDG 14 to reflect on the role of artisanal fishing and its effectiveness in achieving sustainably managed fisheries and the marine environments that support them. Understanding the current state of progress of Latin American and Caribbean countries highlights areas where the solidarity economy can boost their sustainable development. The study contributes by advancing the proposition that the solidarity economy is a model of organization and governance that can help the common good of fishing with the SDG of schedule 2030, highlighted in the study SDG 14.
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