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Políticas Públicas para a Sustentabilidade


1 - cleiton franco
Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - Campus de Tangará da Serra Responsável pela submissão
2 - Adriano Marcos Rodrigues Figueiredo
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - ESAN Escola de Administração e Negócios
3 - Grazielle Riccieri
4 - Raimundo Nonato Cunha de França
- Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso
5 - Natalie Cristy Guzatti
- Unemat- Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso


The extinction of the National Council for Food and Nutritional Security (Consea), in January 2019, through provisional measure no. 870/2019, represented the dismantling of food policies, such as the Food Acquisition Program (PAA). Food policies were funded through the Ministry of Citizenship, which worked to secure the purchase of food production and support family farming. The goal was to regulate basic food basket prices through stockpiles of products in Conab's warehouses.
Budget reductions in the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) and the Cisterns Program could lead to an increase in basic basket products due to the absence of regulatory stockpiles in the National Supply Company's (Conab) warehouses. through the extinction of Consea via Provisional Measure 870/2019 and the low transfer of funds in the execution of PAA and cisterns, has there been an impact on the basic food basket? The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of the extinction of Consea through Provisional Measure 870/2019 and its effects on the basic basket in Brazilian capitals.
CONSEA played a crucial role in combating hunger in Brazil and the creation of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA), which gained international recognition for its role in social control (MACEDO, 2022). It is important to ensure that existing social protection programs are fulfilled by the federal government and that vulnerable families receive the necessary resources to purchase food and meet other needs. In Brazil, some food-focused public policies were recognized globally when the country was removed from the hunger map, a merit acknowledged by the UN (AJOR, 2022).
The estimator used in this study is the difference-in-differences model. According to BERTRAND, DUFLO, and MULLAINATHAN (2004). To construct the panel, monthly data on the basic food basket were collected for 16 Brazilian capitals from 2016 to 2022 from DIEESE.
The results indicated an increase in the cost of the basic basket of around 45.4%, the FFC resulted in R$ 699.00 and the amount in 15 hours. additional costs to purchase a basic basket, this means that Brazilian families are spending more effort to buy the minimum to eat. The ICB increased by 14% and the necessary minimum wage (NMW) would need to be readjusted by more than 30% to guarantee and pay for food, clothing, housing, hygiene and transportation.
Regarding the research's guiding objective, the results indicate that the extinction of CONSEA had a significant and negative impact on the promotion and implementation of public policies related to food and nutritional security. Consequently, there was a considerable increase in the cost of the basic food basket, compromising a significant portion of Brazilians' income on food and increasing the family cost of food.
CONSEA. Conselho Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. O que é o Consea? Disponível em Acesso em 17 Abril 2023 DIEESE. Metodologia da Pesquisa Nacional da Cesta Básica de Alimentos, Janeiro de 2016. Disponível em Acesso em 13 Set 2022.