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Environmental certification: a study in the beef agro industrial system in Brazil
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Sustentabilidade e políticas públicas para a sustentabilidade


1 - Ana Flávia Siqueira Abrahão
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) - Responsável pela submissão
2 - Denise Barros de Azevedo
- Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul
3 - José Carlos de Jesus Lopes
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) - Escola de Administração e Negócios - ESAN


Concerning about Sustainable Development, the beef cattle stakeholderes has several studies on the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) effects to the earth’s atmosphere and Climate Changes on its biota. Global warming is the object of many studies in order to show strategies for this problem, not only because it directly affects agribusiness, but also because humankind needs to review their way of life. Therefore, certifications for the sake of sustentabilidy are implementing environmental management in the organizations of this chain in order to resolve the impact that this problem causes on the planet.
Within this scenario,we have chosen to analyze the process of environmental certification which in the global market has expressed notoriety since it seeks standardizing internal procedures of organizations to insure adopting environmentally correct measures in the productive process,socially justice to collaborators and local community bringing economic income to the involved organizations.So the main objective is to describe the environmental certification processes,in the context of the beef cattle chain, in favor of sustainability, and also specifically proposes mapping these certification
In order to understand the beef cattle chain, this work presents its complexity throught ou the concept of agroindustrial systems and agribusiness by Goldberg and Davis. Along with this the theory of the stakeholders helped to attend the implementation of the environmental management needs for the sustainable development, since such agents are fundamental in this implementation. Once the government is responsible for the legal guidelines of environmental protection the certification becomes an additional to these laws, which is studied as well.
The methodology adopted was a qualitative approach, once the ultimate goal is to verify the context where the phenomenon of standardization is inserted from the relation object (certifications) and subject (market) and how it is interpreted. The study has an exploratory character, since not much is known about certification, within the SAG of beef production.The data collection process was gathered by semi-structured interviews.Once the required data was obtained through the theoretical review and semi-structured interviews, comparative analyses on the existing environmental certification pr
By the law, producers still need to comply its requirements for environment protection, such as Permanent Protection Areas (APP), legal reserve and rural environmental registration, which did not exist prior to the enactment of the Forest Code of 2009. Among the existing stamps and made available for implementation in this specific chain, was found: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Ecoccert, Imaflora, LWG, Global G.A.P., BSCI, Quality of Origin, TESCO, CEIP. All the organizations interviewed has a sense of environmental and social responsability whithin its culture.
considering that the culture of environmental responsibility and sustainable development is still in its first steps in the beef chain, few organizations have certificates. The ones they have are for consumers and specific markets, which are more demanding, savvy and educated. Despite the low representativeness of the organizations surveyed, the interviewees were unanimous in assuming that it is a worldwide tendency to standardize environmental management in order to reduce global warming and also protect natural resources.
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