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Inhibitory Factors in the Organic Food Purchase for Health Benefit
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Faculdades Integradas de Garanhuns - FACIGA - FACIGA/AESGA
2 - Marconi Freitas da Costa
UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - Núcleo de Gestão, Campus de Caruaru
3 - Jordana Soares de Lira
4 - Jonas Alves Cavalcanti
UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - Centro Acadêmico do Agreste - CAA Responsável pela submissão


The organic consumer normally perceives organic food as a possible option to prevent different diseases, as he is aware of the risks that pesticides cause to human health (Krischke and Tomiello, 2009). Therefore, health-related issues are considered reasons for the consumption of organic foods (Chryssohoidis and Krystallis, 2005; Krischke and Tomiello, 2009; Pimenta et al., 2009) and the most significant reason for the increased demand for this type of product (Shafie and Rennie, 2012).
This investigation aimed to measure which influence price sensitivity, perceived availability and lack of product knowledge can have on inhibiting the intention to buy organic food for health maintenance.
Price sensitivity - H1: High price sensitivity negatively influences the intention to purchase organic food to benefit health. Perceived availability - H2: A perceived low availability of organic products negatively influences the intention to purchase organic foods to benefit health; Lack of product knowledge - H3: The lack of knowledge about organic foods negatively influences the intention to buy these foods to benefit health.
This article is a descriptive research that will use a quantitative approach (Malhotra, 2006), with the use of the online survey (Leeuw et al., 2008) as a research strategy. Initially, a bibliographic survey will be carried out through searches on the Science Direct, Proquest, Scopus e Scielo. Then, in order to investigate the influences of the independent variables price sensitivity, perceived availability and lack of product knowledge on the dependent variable intention to buy organic food, field research will be carried out.
Health awareness can also clarify these results since it is known that individuals with a high sense of health awareness seek information related to the topic having a greater probability of involvement with cognitive and behavioral activities related to health promotion (Dutta-Bergman, 2005) being able to memorize content, later incorporating it into their behavior (Dutta-Bergman, 2006).
In this sense, it is believed that this research brings theoretical contributions to the extent that it contributes to the understanding of the factors that inhibit the intention to purchase organic foods, expanding the theoretical knowledge in this regard. This study allowed to evidence the negative impact of price sensitivity regarding the purchase of organic products, despite the growing concern of people with a healthier life.
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