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Mass Personalization in Industry: An Integrative Review
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Operações sustentáveis e Economia Circular


1 - Ricardo Pereira
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento (PPGEGC) Responsável pela submissão
2 - Neri dos Santos


In the contemporary industrial landscape, the relentless pursuit of a competitive edge and the increasing demand from consumers for personalized products and services have shaped the way companies conceive and manufacture their products (Zhang, Ming, & Bao, 2022; Sajadieh, Son, & Noh, 2022). Industry 4.0 has brought promises of manufacturing flexibility, improved quality, and increased productivity. Amidst this revolution, Mass personalization emerges as a customer-centric production paradigm, seeking to balance cost, variety, and quantity (Sajadieh, Son, & Noh, 2022).
Research on mass personalization in the industry has ranged from technical specifics to business process perspectives, characterizing the current state of the field as fragmented and heterogeneous, indicating the need for deeper insights into the topic. In this regard, this article aims to investigate the current landscape of mass personalization in the industry, exploring its challenges, technological advances, and implications for customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the global market through an integrative literature review.
Industry 5.0 calls for increased interaction between humans and machines, ushering in a new era of personalization and complex problem-solving (Pereira & Dos Santos, 2023). Driven by the trend of individualization and enabled by heightened digitalization, mass personalization is becoming a reality. This new paradigm demands responsive and flexible manufacturing operations to produce customized products in dynamic batch sizes, economically and at scale (Qin & Lu, 2021).
The methodology employed in this study was an integrative literature review (Whittemore & Knafl, 2005; Torraco, 2005). This type of review differs from a narrative review as it follows a replicable, scientific, and transparent research process. An integrative review is a technique aimed at minimizing bias through exhaustive bibliographic searches of published studies, while explicitly detailing the reviewers' decisions, procedures, and conclusions (Tranfield, Denyer & Smart, 2003; Pereira & Cunha, 2020, 2021).
Utilizing the most suitable technologies for mass personalization remains the primary challenge in operationalizing it. However, there is a variety of studies indicating that the existing technological input has the potential to meet the requirements for personalization in the industry (Aheleroff, Zhong, & Xu, 2020). Mass personalization in industry, especially considering the context of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, has undergone a remarkable transition: from traditionally product-centric strategies to modern consumer-oriented approaches.
This article investigated the current landscape of mass personalization in industry by exploring its challenges, technological advances, and implications for customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the global market. It did so through an integrative literature review that categorized the studies analyzed into four main dimensions: enabling technologies for mass personalization, personalization strategies and models, frameworks and reference systems, and benefits and challenges of mass personalization in industry.
Aheleroff, S., Mostashiri, N., Xu, X., & Zhong, R. Y. (2021). Mass personalisation as a service in industry 4.0: A resilient response case study. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 50, 101438. Aheleroff, S.; Zhong, R. Y.; Xu, X. (2020). A digital twin reference for mass personalization in industry 4.0. Procedia Cirp, v. 93, p. 228-233. Braun, V., Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology. v.3 n.2, p.77-101.