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Sustainable Entrepreneurial University: basic elements
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Educação e Sustentabilidade


1 - Ana Claudia Lara
- UNOESC - Campus Chapecó
2 - Simone Sehnem
- Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - Unoesc
3 - Dulcimar Julkovski
Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina - Campus Chapecó Responsável pela submissão


The concepts of entrepreneurship and sustainability are being studied together, especially in the field of management, due to the growing interest of organizations in these themes (Alfalih, & Ragmoun, 2020). Every organization, for-profit or non-profit, needs entrepreneurial skills to learn how to be sustainable, (Meek, & Gianiodis, 2023). Thus, this research aims to propose a framework of elements that underpin a sustainable entrepreneurial university and aims to answer the following research question: What basic elements are part of a sustainable entrepreneurial university?
Thus, this research aims to propose a framework of elements that underpin a sustainable entrepreneurial university and aims to answer the following research question: What basic elements are part of a sustainable entrepreneurial university?
The study by Apostolopoulos and Liargovas (2018) led to the conceptualization of a university of the ideal type, entitled Sustainable Entrepreneurial University (SEU), that is, Sustainable Entrepreneurial University (Figure 1), having as a principle the fulfillment of SDGs in an integrated way existing missions in the entrepreneurial university, considering that entrepreneurship can be a driver for the SDGs, agreeing with Lans, Blok and Wesselink (2014) and Wyness, Jones and Klapper (2015), who claim that education for entrepreneurship can lead to sustainability.
For this research, we used a single case study integrated with multiple units of analysis (Yin, 2015). A qualitative approach was adopted, which, in turn, has the natural environment as data collection site and descriptive character (Flick, 2009). As for the objectives, the research is characterized as descriptive that addresses the perceptions, expectations and suggestions of the field (Yin, 2015).
Created in 1934, USP is a public university, maintained by the State of São Paulo and linked to the Secretariat for Economic Development Currently, USP is responsible for more than 20% of Brazilian scientific production (USP, 2022). Unicamp was officially founded on October 5, 1966. Even in a recent university context, in which the oldest Brazilian university is just over seven decades old, Unicamp can be considered a young institution, which has already achieved a strong tradition in teaching, in research and in relations with society (Unicamp, 2022).
The objective of this study was to propose a framework of elements that underpin a sustainable entrepreneurial university and its developed practices, for which the question was answered: What basic elements are part of a sustainable entrepreneurial university? Based on the research findings, it was possible to verify that the analyzed universities are in a constant process of construction, seeking to become effectively entrepreneurial and sustainable.
Etzkowitz, H. (2022). Entrepreneurial university icon: Stanford and Silicon Valley as innovation and natural ecosystem. Industry and Higher Education, 36(4), 361–380. Meek, W. R., & Gianiodis, P. T. (2023). The Death and Rebirth of the Entrepreneurial University Model. Academy of Management Perspectives, 37(1), 55-71. DOI 10.5465/amp.2020.0180 Yin, R. K. (2015). Estudo de caso: Planejamento e métodos. (5th ed.). Bookman.