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Industry-University Cooperation and Social Innovation: Searching for a Unifying Model
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Inovação para a Sustentabilidade


1 - Eduardo De-Carli
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Universidade Federal do Paraná
2 - Andréa Paula Segatto
- Universidade Federal do Paraná
3 - Ananda Silva Singh
- Universidade federal de uberlandia Responsável pela submissão
4 - Rodrigo Luiz Morais da Silva


A perspective for progress is understanding knowledge and learning as innovation basis (Lundvall, 2007) and conditions through which the improvement and change of a country’s social situation has been provided. This theoretical essay emphasizes that when I-U cooperation allows the integration of social, environmental, and technological factors at SI development to obtain society benefit, it could promote these innovations and their diffusion in emerging economies development, improving social conditions of the population.
I-U Cooperation can involve different actors: big companies, entrepreneurs, and even an 'informal company.' When we talk about university, it may be “any institution of higher education, university or college, public or private [...] an entity associated with the institution [...] or even an individual researcher” (Plonski, 1995, p. 34, translated by the authors). Segatto-Mendes and Sbragia (2002) highlight that such cooperation is fundamental to the country’s technological growth and scientific development in the academic world, being advantageous for all the country.
The study was developed in the search for a unifying framework, and, to this end, a theoretical background on ‘industry university collaboration’ and ‘social innovation’ was used. From this, it was possible to elaborate three central prepositions: (i) I-U cooperation can be an instrument to social innovations development; (ii) If an I-U cooperation use public resources, it is easier to approach with society and promote social insertion; (iii) No model for I-U cooperation brings universities and industries motivated to develop high-impact innovations in society, i.e., social innovations.
Dalmarco, G. (2012) Fluxo de Conhecimento na Interação Universidade-Empresa: uma Análise de Setores Tradicionais e de Alta Tecnologia no Brasil e na Holanda. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Available at: Lundvall, B.-A. (2007) ‘National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool’, Industry & Innovation, 14(1), pp. 95–119. doi: 10.1080/13662710601130863. Segatto-Mendes, A. P. and Sbragia, R. (2002) ‘O processo de cooperação universidade-empresa em universidades brasileiras’, Revista de Administração, 37(4), pp. 58–71.